LEVEL 3 - Train the trainer

Course Level

Bespoke Workshop


In Person

Guided Learning

3 half-day workshops

Qualification Time

6 weeks


No matter the reason for participating in this workshop, all learning will learn how to understand and apply training principles. Including:


  • The role of the trainer and the overall importance of setting out and preparing sessions.

  • Understanding the teaching cycle.

  • Covering teaching styles.

  • Promoting inclusiveness.

  • Motivating learners.

  • The importance of record keeping.


This workshop follows two-day classroom sessions, delivered over 14 hours.

Learners will complete tasks throughout the sessions to demonstrate their learning and understanding of the principles.

The confirmation of knowledge will take the form of a completed lesson plan based on a topic of the candidate’s choice and the delivery of a Micro Teach based on the lesson plan.

We can base course topics around your specific needs and areas of development identified during a training needs assessment with the employer.

Dive Deeper

What you will learn in a Level 3 - Train the trainer

Day 1: lesson planning

  • Icebreakers
  • Learning And Teaching Cycle
  • Learning And Teaching Techniques
  • Inclusive Learning
  • lesson plans

day 2: motivation & records

  •  Motivating Learners
  • Assessments And Record Keeping
  • Micro Teach Assessment
  • Connecting with the Customer
  • Applying Digital platforms to your business and creating a digital marketing and sales plan

Whats next?

We’re a friendly bunch at Zenith Training.  If you’re interested in progressing your career through a course, get in touch! If you’re a business looking to upskill. Follow one of the buttons below! 

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