
As both a Levy and Non-Levy contract holder. We are able to deliver a range of apprenticeships to both new staff and existing employees. So whichever way you choose to use apprenticeships to develop your team and your organisation, we can help.

4 Reasons You Should Upskill Right Now

It doesn’t matter whether you are an employee looking to gain new skills or you are an employer looking to upskill some of your workforce, a myriad of benefits come with upskilling. What is upskilling exactly? In a nutshell, upskilling is about gaining a new skill(s), no matter the reason. In a more specified sense of the word, upskilling is a way to acquire more advanced skills through additional education and training.

There are so many reasons to upskill; we’re going to take you through 4 reasons why:

1. Gain better experience within your current career

Maybe you want to gain more skills and experience within your current career; upskilling can be the perfect way to do this- maybe you want to learn a specific skill within your role. This could be as simple as doing a short course to learn a new skill; even learning one new skill could help you greatly excel in your career. At Zenith Training, we have a variety of training courses- Training Courses – Zenith Training

2. Climb the corporate ladder

Always wanted to lead or manage a team? Or even gain seniority status within a business? While experience may be an essential factor to some businesses when it comes to their management staff, sometimes, to climb the corporate ladder, you need to gain some kind of formal qualification or gain a new skill to carry out a role successfully. Upskilling can provide countless opportunities to bag that senior position you’ve worked hard for in your career!

3. Stay a relevant worker in the current climate

We’re all aware of the significant effect the Covid19 pandemic had on the world; the pandemic saw thousands out of jobs as businesses struggled to keep up with the constant pressure of the economy. We also saw a large number of people change careers, and the demand for changes in the workplace has grown more than ever. These significant changes came in the way of higher demand for remote and agile work conditions and people changing careers to something that suits them better or for a higher salary. What came in the aftermath? Skill shortages across multiple industries, if you already possess a sought-after skill, then you are one of the lucky ones. However, if not, this is a better time to consider learning a new skill or reskilling to stay relevant in this candidate-driven market. For more information, read this article exploring the significance of upskilling and reskilling to overcome the covid19 crisis.

Significance Of Upskilling & Reskilling To Overcome Covid-19 Crisis (

4. Upskilling can be fun!

Learning something new doesn’t always have to be tedious; if done right and you have a genuine interest in it- learning can be fun! Courses to upskill are often engaging and contain various learning elements throughout their duration, so they’re not boring!

Thinking of upskilling yourself or for your business? At Zenith Training, we offer a wide range of upskilling opportunities, suck as bespoke workshops, distance learning courses and apprenticeship opportunities. Please have a browse of our options to upskill!



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