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What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a term that has become increasingly popular in recent years. But what is digital marketing exactly and how can it help your business? In this blog post, we will provide an overview of digital marketing and discuss its various components, such as SEO and PPC.

Digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses a variety of marketing activities. It can be used to promote both online and offline products and services. Digital marketing usually refers to the use of digital channels, such as search engines, social media, email, and websites to reach potential customers. Let us have a look into the most important parts of digital marketing.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

One of the most important aspects of digital marketing is search engine optimisation (SEO). SEO is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website on search engines, such as Google. This can be done through optimising website content, building backlinks, and using keywords effectively as well as curating readable content to help google crawl your website.

SEO is a great tool for your company.  It does take a while to see results from SEO due to it being at the whims of google’s crawlers however when the results kick in, they do so in a big way. Analysis and implementation are key when it comes to SEO so having someone who can specialise or learn to specialise in this is a massive boon to your company.

PPC (Pay Per Click)

Another digital marketing tactic is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. PPC is a form of advertising where businesses pay a fee for each time their ad is clicked. This can be an effective way to drive traffic to a website, as well as generate leads and sales while keeping a close eye on your budget using your ad platforms bid management software to allow you to outbid the competition.

There are also many different platforms that PPC can perform. Such as Google ads (Google’s own search-based ad platform), Facebook ads (Facebook’s ad platform serving in-timeline ads to its users) and Linked-In ads (allows B2B facing advertisements for companies that market towards businesses).

Analysis and Implementation

Another extremely important part of digital marketing is the utilisation of analytical data to improve your advertisements and better know your customers on a demographic level. One of the biggest platforms for this is Google Analytics, this powerhouse of a platform allows you to dig deep into your data in order to focus on what makes your audience tick.

Analysis helps greatly when it comes to CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation), it allows you to better target your preferred audience segments and cut back on advertising to those who are less likely to convert. This is also particularly useful in cooperation with google ads as you will be able to better schedule ads based on times of the day you advertise, the locations in which you operate and even the days of the week that you serve ads. It truly is a fascinating tool and should be utilised to its fullest extent.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a fantastic way to reach your entire client base or prospect list efficiently and effectively.  We are deep into the communication through technology age. It is especially important to be familiar with your audience and generate some semblance of trust between yourselves and your customer digitally.  Email marketing is an essential tool for retention of current clients and nurturing of leads.  

The greatest advantage about email marketing is that it is infinitely customisable and incredibly targetable. Utilising dynamic tags to input the customer’s name, their basket and even their previous purchase history can make the customer feel special and cared for and will foster brand loyalty within your existing customer base.

ATL (Above the Line)

Above the line is a carry-over from more traditional marketing but does give benefit and synergises very well with more digital advertisements such as pay-per-click ads or Search Engine Optimisation. ATL utilises real world advertisement space to catch the eyes of a broad audience and raises brand awareness for your company astronomically.

Utilising ATL alongside PPC will allow your potential customers to have more eyes on your brand. For example, serving a billboard or print advertisement in a specific area in London and then hyper targeting your ads towards that specific will ensure your audience will have multiple touch points with your brand before being guided to convert.

Digital marketing is utilising digital tools to guide your potential customers to convert on your website, whether that be filling out a form, making a purchase or even just giving you a call. Digital marketing is truly an exciting and fulfilling job role which allows you to be creative, experiment with new tactics and generate substantial amounts of digital traffic for your brand.

It takes real skill and many years of training to understand the basics of Digital Marketing.  If you are looking at upskilling your staff, or even expand your team. Check out our digital marketing courses and get in touch!



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